Prior to your first appointment, new patients need to fill out the below form, either online or on paper. Medical History Patient Name* First Last Email* Phone*Today's Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Occupation* Primary Care Provider and Phone #* Referring Physician (if not PCP) & Phone Number Other Care Providers & Phone # Main Concern(s)/Reason for visit today*ALLERGIES (Please include type of reaction to each allergy listed)*MEDICATIONS (Both prescription and over-the-counter including herbal, vitamins, etc)*Name of medication and dosageHOSPITALIZATIONS/SURGERIES/PROCEDURES*(Please include exact date or at least year)FAMILY HISTORY*(List any health problems of your mother, father, siblings, children, or grandparents only)Current Smoker* Yes No Number of cigarettes per dayPlease enter a number greater than or equal to 1.Previous smoker* Yes No Date quit: MM slash DD slash YYYY Alcohol use* Yes No Number of drinks per dayExercise*Please indicate whether you perform regular exercise, the duration, type, and number of days in a week it is done.PERSONAL HISTORY*Please list previous health problemsReview of System*Check current problems/symptoms you are experiencing now in the past 1 month Weight gain Weight loss Fatigue Easy bruising Difficulty breathing Breast Pain Breast Discharge Breast Enlargement Pain in feet Fractures Muscle aches Change in hand size Excessive urination Heat intolerance Hot flashes Flushing Excessive sweating Brittle nails Rash Change in skin color Dry skin Stretch marks Darkening of skin Peripheral vision loss Worsening vision Blurred vision Bulging eyes Headache Double vision Hoarseness Snoring Inability to smell Change in dental bite Change in head size Neck pain (front) Swollen glands Neck lump Neck swelling Chest pain/discomfort Leg pain with exercise Palpitations Abdominal pain Constipation Diarrhea Diarrhea with milk Difficulty swallowing Nausea Vomiting Pain with swallowing Impotence Abnormal periods Pain with intercourse Pain with urination Kidney stones Bone pain Back pain Joint pain Muscle cramps Muscle weakness Pain in hands Change in foot size Dizziness Fainting Weakness Lightheadedness Dizziness with standing Change in concentration Change in memory Frequent falls Emotional swings Numbness in hands/feet Burning in hands/feet Anxiety Depression Difficulty sleeping Acne Decrease in appetite Increase in appetite Feeling full before done eating Cold intolerance Excessive thirst Excess face/body hair Loss of hair Decrease in height Decrease in sex drive Other (Please Describe Below) Please describe your OTHER problem/symptomsUse this space to indicate any current problems/symptoms you have that was not covered in the list above. Height (ft' In")* Weight (pounds)* Local Pharmacy Mail Order Pharmacy Patient Privacy Policy